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Prize cream Cleanser

Cream cleanser for porcelain, tile, enamel & metal

A mildly abrasive, highly effective liquid scouring compound. Contains no acids and will not scratch surfaces. Quickly and effortlessly removes soap film, grease, stubborn scuff marks, rubber burns, rust stains, etc. Easy to use, easy to rinse. No powdery film and leaves surfaces sanitary.


  • Controlled Dispensing: The flip top on the bottle releases just the desired amount to do your job.
  • Cleaner Cleaning: Unlike dry scouring cleansers, there is no powder to disperse beyond the job you are doing.
  • Non-Scratch: Made with abrasives graded to remove stubborn soil without damage to surfaces.
  • Leaves Surfaces Sanitary: Removes dirt, grease and other contaminants.
  • Waterproof Container: Prize is packaged in plastic bottles, not spiral cardboard that gets wet and deteriorates.
  • Polishes as it Cleans: Brings porcelain, ceramics and similar surfaces to a high shine.