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Premier Dish Detergent

Best quality liquid dishwashing detergent

A truly premier detergent. Produces long lasting suds and continues its superior cleaning in hot or cold water in the presence of heavy, greasy soil. Yet, it is gentle enough to wash delicate fabrics and is kind to the hands with long exposure. A little Premier goes a long way.


  • Economical: Premier detergent has superior ability to emulsify and rinse away greasy deposits from pots, pans, dishes, etc. and to maintain its suds to do more cleaning.
  • Built-In Rinse Aid: Hand drying is not necessary. Washed articles drip dry without spotting or streaking.
  • Multi-Purpose: Not just for washing tableware. Premier is excellent also for hand washing of clothing, windows, vehicles, etc.
  • Kind to Hands: Neutral pH so as not to harm the skin or delicate fabrics.
  • Broad Effectiveness: Works well in hard or soft, hot or cold water.